First Tomato of the Year!

Last week, I was out staking up the tomatoes in my tiny GV patio garden and discovered the little guy pictured above--the first tomato of the season! Hooray! He's on one of the three roma tomato plants I put in the ground in early May.

This is the overview of my tomato/pepper/carrot/onion patch. There's 5 heirloom tomatoes crammed in there, along with the 3 romas, 2 jalapenos, and a green pepper. It's probably a little crowded, but I'm hoping that attentive pruning of the plants will allow for enough sun to get through. I realize the root systems might be a bit close as well, and will learn my lesson if the plants don't grow fruit due to being smushed.

That's a tomatillo in the planter next to the bed. It's growing like crazy and, having never grown a tomatillo before, I'm thrilled. I see lots of salsa verde in mine (and my friends') futures.

In the other corner, I've got more onions and three red cabbages. The cabbages have grown like gangbusters in the last few weeks, and I'm looking forward to getting some actual heads of cabbage--not that the leaves aren't lovely in and of themselves. The pot next to them has some (very slow to start) spinach in it. I'm not really sure why the spinach is so sad--it looks nothing like the bushy leaves on the seed packet. (sigh)

Between le jardin and my CSAs at the North Market, I think it's going to be a great summer for veggies. Now, I'm probably going to have to learn how to can...


clairehelene7 said…
Your little garden looks awesome! I'm almost done with school - which means I might actually be a social person again. We should hang out!
Shannon said…
I have Canning for Dummies if you ever want to borrow it!
avesta said…
the garden looks great! I'm impressed! nothing better than home grown tomatoes!

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