Finally--The Gov't Throws a Bone to Their Public Servants

On August 15, President Bush signed into law the Higher Education Opportunity Act, part of which includes the John R. Justice Prosecutor and Public Defender Loan Repayment Program. (The official text of which is here.)

Basically, the attorney general will be responsible for paying up to $10,000 a year for those individuals willing to offer three years of service as a prosecutor or public defender. The total amount available is capped at $60,000, meaning you can "re-up" for another three year stint after your first three years are completed.

This is GREAT news. The government finally realized that making $50K or less a year makes it damn near impossible to pay off your law school loans AND not live in your parent's basement. (And yes, I know several responsible, intelligent prosecutors and P.Ds who can't afford to move out of mom and dad's house.) They've also come to the brilliant understanding that if you actually pay your prosecutors, ADAs, an PDs, they might stick around for a while, and develop into talented, hardworking attorneys who won't jump ship after a year or two to use all their valuable training and experience at a law firm that actually gives them a decent wage.

Cursory research hasn't yet turned up the details on how to sign up for this program, but I'll continue to look into it and provide details as they surface. (Considering appropriatations won't be available until the beginning of the new year, I'm guessing there won't be a whole lot available until then. But I'll keep checking.)

(And to my friends living at home: hold on just a little while longer! You'll get out soon.)

***Here's a link to more information about the other programs implemented through the Higher Education Opportunity Act: ABAnet


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