APA/PD Loan Repayment--Update

So, I got on the horn on Monday and emailed Mr. Kenneth Goldsmith, Legislative Counsel for the American Bar Association. I inquired about the next steps in the process for the APA/PD loan repayment program, and he explained that the next step would be adoption of regulations (ie: how one would apply, how the funding would be disseminated around the country, etc.), as well as actually GETTING the funding. Apparently, this bill authorizes the funding, but does not provide for it. Scrounging up the millions of dollars needed is the next major challenge.

Mr. Goldsmith also wanted to point out that much of this is due to the hard work of Senator Richard Durbin (IL), who has been fighting for this bill for several years. The ABA is working with Senator Durbin's office as well as the National Association of District Attorneys' in collecting questions, comments, and insight as to how the final program should look as it gets sent over to the Department of Justice.

To that end, he encouraged me and any other interested parties to forward questions or concerns about the legislation. If you're an APA, ADA, or PD and have a questions, comments, or suggestion for the Senator or Mr. Goldsmith, post it in the comment section and I'll send it on.



Roamless Hudson said…
I believe the children are our future.
Dr. Gunner said…
No new posts in a week!? Blog, schmlog!

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