Hard Core?

I'm one-fourth of the way through my 5K-a-Month project--Woot! This race should have been completely uneventful--decent temps, a bunch of friends running it, beer at the end...Except for the fact that I'm one of the less graceful people I know.

Sooooo...somewhere in the middle of the 3rd mile, I'm chugging along, feeling pretty good, settled in a nice pace when I hit a pothole in the road. And before I go any further, let me back up a second. At this point, I have two things working against me: my aforementioned lack of grace and my incredibly weak ankles, who have seen countless sprains, rips, tears, and pulls over the years. Anyway, I hit a pothole (and not a big one, mind you, more like a divot in the asphalt), my right ankle rolls underneath me, I stumble, fall, catch myself with my left and hand knee, then roll over so I end up on my back. In the middle of the road. With runners coming up behind me.

When I stand up, my hand is bleeding, my right ankle is throbbing, and the group of girls who watched me bite it are exclaiming their concern over my well being. I brush them off, tell them I'm fine and limp along for a few meters before I shake out my ankle and, bleeding and bruised, start my not-quite-triumphant jog to the finish line.

The best part of all of this? I still managed to beat my time from February's race. Booyah.

Update: April race options are the Hoover Hustle on the 19th: http://www.ultrafit-usa.com/hooverhustle09.html or the Fisher 5K on the 26th: www.fisher5k.org. Hmmm....


Nan said…
poor gen! yes, i think you are hard core.

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