Pimento Cheese, or How to Win Friends and Influence People

It's Super Bowl weekend, and maybe you care profoundly about the outcome, and maybe you don't. But regardless, someone you know is probably having a party as an excuse to eat a bunch of ridiculous food and check out some commercials that you've probably already seen online.

If you're expected to bring something to a party this weekend (or hell, any party, ever), you should probably bring pimento cheese.  Those of you from the South are probably familiar with pimento cheese, a spread/dip of shredded cheddar cheese, mayo, and chopped, roasted red peppers. And chances are, if your mom/aunt/grandma made it, you have very strong feelings about how it should taste. If you're from Yankee territory, you might have heard of it via any of of the articles/magazines declaring Southern food last year's (and probably still this year's) big "thing." Maybe you're intrigued, maybe you're grossed out. You should be the former.

True, this is a dip that that Diva of Diabetes, Paula Deen, would be proud of. But don't let that stop you from making it.  First, it's incredibly easy. Second it's good on everything. EVERYTHING. Crackers? Sure, but why stop there. How about on a sandwich? Or AS a sandwich? Veggie dip? Yeah, if you want to be healthy about it. Baked potato, hot dog, or burger topping? Now you're talking.  Third, people may pretend to be coy and do the "oh, I'll just have a bite," but  that first bite will not be their last. You'll turn around and find them using their finger to wipe the last cheesy bits off of their cocktail plate. They will love you.

Here's what I did, but the recipe is flexible, and can be suited to your tastes. Roasted, minced garlic might be nice, or maybe some thin sliced white onions.  Any seasonings can be adjusted to taste, depending on how smokey/spicy you like it.

Pimento Cheese

1/2 pound of sharp white cheddar
1/2 pound of sharp yellow cheddar
1 cup mayonnaise (if you're feeling ambitious you can make your own...it ups the decadence level considerably)
1/4 cup chopped pimento (roasted red peppers...you can find them jarred, or on olive bars)
1-2 tsp of pimento brine
1/4 tsp cayenne pepper
1/4-1/2 tsp smoked paprika or ancho chili powder
salt and pepper to taste

Grate the cheese into a large bowl, fold in mayo, pimentos, brine, and seasonings, being sure to combine everything well.  Refrigerate for a few hours (or overnight) to let the flavors blend.  Serve on any and everything.  Makes about two pint jars worth.


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