Homemade Pasta!
This past Monday, the pasta rollers for my KitchenAid mixer were delivered. Tuesday night, I made my first every batch of fresh pasta. And yes, what "they" say is true--fresh pasta beats dry, store-bought pasta by miles. Partially, it's the satisfaction of watching eggs and flour come together in light, ribbony noodles, but it also just tastes better. Fresher. I used a recipe from Mario Batali (3.5 c of flour to 5 eggs, but found I needed to add 2 more) from his book Molto Italiano. After kneading the dough for 10 minutes (which, when you're kneading dough is a looooong time), you let it rest for 30 minutes, cut into 4 pieces and you're ready to roll. Seriously, the pasta rollers make it ridiculously easy. Once we got the hang of it (the speed of the rollers, ideal pasta width), we were off to the races. First, we rolled it out into sheets of increasing thinness: And then, once the pasta sheet was the desired thickness, we flipped to the fettuccine attachment: Whe...